
Anti-reflux Surgery

Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), heartburn and swallowing disorders are often treated with medications. For patients who still have symptoms despite medications, have side effects from the medications, want to be off the medications or have complications of GERD (such as Barrett’s esophagus), Anti-Reflux Surgery may be indicated.

Anti-Reflux Surgery is often performed to correct a hiatal hernia, or loosening of the muscles in the diaphragm around the bottom of the esophagus. Sometimes patients have a large hiatal hernia, also known as a paraesophageal hernia, or achalasia, an esophageal disorder. Our specialists in minimally invasive surgery can perform operations to fix these conditions that are almost always done laparoscopically so patients have a short hospital stay.

Another option for reflux patients is Linx; a minimally invasive procedure that places an anti-reflux device called Linx. Linx may have less long term side effects than traditional anti-reflux surgery.

For more information about the Linx device see: (

For more information on reflux visit the Daytona Reflux Center.